PRESTO DX Spectrodensitometer

The PRESTO DX Spectrodensitometer ist the easy to use device for the press room. Its high contrast-zero power display never goes off and shows the most recent measurement data even the next day.

The PRESTO DX measures density, dot gain, dot area, balance, trapping, opacity, Lab, LCh and deltaE. It does supprot Murray Davies and SCTV (Spot Color Tone Value), delta Eab and delta E2000. 

You can configure the device to compare measurements to internal  density and dot gain references or to colors in Lab. The PRESTO DX offers a 4 Jobs with up to 8 reference color definitions each. The closest color is detected automatically and the Delta E is displayed.

PRESTOConnect Software

Configure the PRESTO DX color references and store as many colors as required in the external database.